Creator of the “sleeve” concept and manufacturer of equipment for their implementation.
5, avenue Arago
ZI Le Val – BP 27
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SLEEVER INTERNATIONAL®, an innovative leader, has 40 years of expertise in design and manufacturing of equipment for the implementation of shrink sleeves for primary packaging (a solution for: decoration, protection and promotion).
In the field of engineering Sleever Machines Group, revolutionizes sleeve technology in developing and producing a range of machines, monobloc, servo drive, ergonomic and easy use for the operator (panel touch screen, format changeover without tools).Operating speed from 6000 to 36000 products per hour .
Sleever Combi range offers two technologies to shrink:
Sleever- Combisteam® (sleeve and shrink with steam technology)
Sleever- Combiskinner® (sleeve and shrink with hot air and infrared technology)
Modular in design, Sleever combi integrates special requirements (automatic splicing module, online marking, cutting and micro-perforation …) depending on the market (fresh fruit juice , concentrate, nectars)
With over 1,300 machines installed worldwide, you benefit from an international network, allowing you to carry out machine installation and maintenance and associated services (order spare parts, develop new formats, organize machine audit, install product upgrades …)
Acceptable product sizes for the machine : 20 cl to 2 liters
Primary packaging: bottles or containers made in PET, HDPE, PE, glass,
Films used: PET / OPS from 30 to 75μ