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Olexa leader européen des fabricants de presses à vis
ZAC Artoipole
BP 42015
Phone: (0)3 21 55 36 00
Fax: (0)3 21 24 04 34
Olexa est spécialisée dans la fabrication et fournitures de machines pour le traitement de toutes graines et amandes oléagineuses, pour toutes capacités. Notre gamme d’équipements comprend la préparation mécanique et thermique, la pression dans tous les types de process, la clarification et la filtration.
Notre société est également spécialisée dans la fabrication de presses pour l’extraction de graisse de sous-produits animaux en vue d’obtenir des farines animales. Un autre domaine d’activité est la déshydratation de produits divers.
« Oil extraction »
In single pressing and pre-pressing alike, OLEXA® offers equipment adapted to the treatment of all oleaginous seeds, regardless of production capacity. Our manufacturing plant possesses a pilot unit, allowing us to reproduce, on a small scale, the operations that are traditionally carried out in the oil milling industry. Depending on the type of seeds treated and the wishes of our customers, we study and create equipment adapted to each case.
« Dewatering »
OLEXA® is the leader in the drying/dewatering of products for screw press related processes.
Our screw presses are specially adapted to handle problems related to drying, and to bring better results for your products: alfalfa, pulp, paper waste, fish waste, manure flocculated pork, green algae, biogas from household waste, coffee grounds, acetate cellulose etc.
« Rendering»
To ensure quality and continuity in the production of meat meal, OLEXA® was among the first manufacturers to develop continuous pressure in the animal waste industry. We have also developed associated equipment, across the spectrum: crusher for raw material, finishing crusher (type Calibro), steriliser cooker, screening tank etc. Animal meal and fat is either recovered or destroyed.